Our Tools

At SeedLab, we use cutting-edge tools and technology to stay in touch with our clients, collaborate with our network of consultants and to ensure we deliver projects that exceed our clients' expectations.

Managements Technologies:

We have chosen Openbravo as our tool of choice: http://www.openbravo.com/, we like the look and feel of the user interface and believe it would be fairly straightforward to customize and adapt to our needs. The fact that it is web-based and linked with other tools we intend to use - such as google docs, facebook and twitter - is also a plus.

Collaboration and Communication Technologies:

For Collaboration and Communication, we have chosen Boardvantage. http://www.boardvantage.com/.
The leader provider of secure board portals for the browser and the iPad. The Boardvantage platform centralizes documents, processes and communications. With this platform Team, Time and Task, are completely under control. Between the features they offer, we found the teamspaces and the videoconferencing really useful for Seedlab.

Design and Production Technologies.

We use BIM technology ‘Autodesk Revit Architecture’, http://www.autodesk.es/adsk/servlet/pc/index?siteID=455755&id=14594517 because we strongly believe it is the future in architecture and the design-build industry, it facilitates the design team collaboration from start to finish, with everyone working in a 3D model. We also make use of the free open source softwares available in the net, for example: in regards a CAD system, we use ‘DraftSight’ - A professional grade open product that let us create edit and view DWG file. (This is a 2D tool very similar to AutoCAD)-; for photo editing we use ‘gimp’ -for photo editing-; ‘foxit’ -for viewing, editing and printing PDFs-; ‘open office’ - word processing, spreadsheets, presentation, graphics, databases-; ‘Fast Stone image viewer’ - as an image browser, converter and editor-; andGoogle earth’ -for satellite imagery, maps and terrain.- For a more experimental and strategic design work, we’ relay on the Plug-in for ‘Rhino’  called ‘Grasshopper’ (parametric design), combining with other collaborative online tools for Rendering, 3D printing and CNC printing.